Sunday 14 May 2017

Where does my work fit within the creative industry?

Is eclecticism an issue?

As I've previously stated through out first year one of my biggest strengths and weaknesses was the eclectic nature of my work. Although this means that my work could potentially fit into a variety of different contexts within the creative industry it may also mean that I face more serious competiotion from people who actually specialise within the the different areas I would wnat my work to fit into.

Chance to specialise

However with 504 I realise that I have a chance to really consider how process and aethetic may affect my context. For example I am extremely interested in print and have begun to refine how I produce my images in this way. This may mean that my work could fit into a more bespoke, collector orientated area of the creative industry.

Print/Adult Publishing

This could include producing limited run prints as well as limited edition/limited covers for books and records. In the context of more collector orientated work this could be sold/displayed within specialist shops such as colours may vary as well as specific commissions coming from places such as the Folio Society. The latter would be especially appropriate to work given the cinematic style of work I have begun to produce for 504 coupled with the fact that it allows for the communication of specific content which I enjoy more than creating purely aesthetic work.

Image result for colours may vary The Complete Shorter Fiction book
Colours May Vary                                                        Book cover by Bill Bragg for The Folio Society


Although there is market for collectable music posters and records that my work could also fit into, as is the case with the Print Project in Shipley, my work could also be applied to a more mass produced context of posters for gigs/events and large run records. With regards to these areas of product design/packaging I think I personally would want my work to fit in with more independent labels and club nights, especially within the sphere of electronic music. Given the general aesthetic of my work and the general themes I tend to explore I think this would be a more appropriate context than say designs for larger companies such as Paperchase.

  Image result for actress rip
Limited edition gig posters produced by                  Record design by Will Bankhead
The Print Project


I also think my work would fit nicely into editorial based commissions, particularly for more high brow publications such as The New Statesman, The Guardian, The New York Times and New Scientist. This is because I enjoy responding to articles and trying to effectively communicate the content within them. However I realise that editorial is not the most profitable form of commission and therefore making a living off of purely editorial illustration would seem an unlikely prospect.

Eleni Kalorkoti for the New York Times

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