Sunday 14 May 2017

Rob Hodgson
Big Heads


Although I don't think his work, both in terms of aesthetic and context relates too much to may own practice I did find the Big Heads talk with him useful for reinforcing some ideas I already had about my own practice.

Firstly he talked about how he works part time in a studio so as to support his illustration practice which is something, given the work I have already received, I am considering doing after uni. However he also talked about his recent desire to develop his personal work and client based has meant that he has reduced the amount of weeks he works at the studio. This highlighted for me just how hard the balancing act may between working in design and as an illustrator.

Rob Hodgson Bigfoot Boneless

Relating more specifically to my image making he also talked about the merging of digital and analogue processes. He said working digital is essential to his practice and is the way in which he gains most of his commissions. However he feels that merging this with analogue processes such as textures creation gives your work a more human feel adding to its marketability.

This is something I have also discussed with Ben given that he said a client may want you to produce work with a printed aesthetic yet you may not have the time or facilities available to do so therefore understanding how print works and how I can replicate it digitally is something I want to build upon within my practice.

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