Sunday 14 May 2017

Don't Look Now

In general I felt very fortunate that with the responses module I was able to centre my module around both real world briefs and ones that were within the area of the creative industry I want my work to sit within. As well as the record design for Beezledubs I was also tasked with doing a branding job for a club night, Don't Look Now, in Sheffield that focused on playing alternative dance music.

Once again this also allowed me to work on both my design skills such as typography and layout as well as furthering my explorations into merging digital and analogue processes of image making.

Given that the job involved creating a complete brand identity it also allowed me to work across a range of different formats such as print, moving image and imagery for social media and web viewing meaning that I was able to build upon the flexible practice that I have have outlined previously in this blog.

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