Sunday 14 May 2017


Having previously discussed lack confidence with my own work being one of my major downfalls and having attended the AOI talk where self promotion was highlighted as being essential to any successful creative practitioner I decided I needed to start putting my work out where people could view it.

Although I don't feel confident enough yet to create a website, something which the AOI spokes person said wasn't essential yet, I have created an Instagram account as she did stress that we should all have a professional Instagram account even if we hate all the work we produce.

The main reason for this is that I need to get used to having my work seen by others as at the moment I don't even share it with friends. This seems bizarre given that I have completed public facing commissions within responsive, however given that I myself wasn't showing these esigns other than to clients I didn't feel as nervous about them.

Already, despite having a small amount of followers, I think it has got me used to displaying work given that all of my friends, course mates and colleagues can see my work and often talk to me about it, something which I would previously hated but realise I need to get used to.

Furthermore I have been approached by a small label, Bercuose Heroique, for some of my artwork to be licensed. Although I am not trying to get my hopes up over this given that the communication has gone silent with this potential client in the past few days it is reassuring that people are responding to my work. In particular it has made me realise that, as stated in a previous post, it is essential to have your work available for others to see as if not how can you expect to have people approach you for commissions.

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