Sunday 14 May 2017

Thoughts on Collaborative Practice

Although I think Responsive was essential to my development this year due to the successes outlined in previous posts I don't think the collaborative practice brief in particular was very useful despite having the potential to be so.

One of my main issues with the collaborative practice brief was that the pressure to find a group, given how bad the pitch pitcha exercise worked out, resulted in settling into briefs that weren't really relevant to my practice.

Originally I had wanted to complete the Adobe D&AD given that it required creating a series of posters and would have required working with a designer, more specifically one who was good at copy writing something that I myself am not good out. As a back up I was also interested in the Orchard Pig brief given that it required creating a marketing campaign, something I was interested to expand on having created a brand identity and campaign for Don't Look Now.

Submitted design board: last 4 illustrations completed by me

However after trying and failing to get into a group with people wanting to complete these briefs I had to settle for the BBC Edinburgh Festival D&AD brief which required the creation of an innovative app.

Although I know this brief was designed to push us outside of our comfort zone I think the brief was very fair removed from where I want my practice to go, as were the interests of the other group members which resulted in a final product that I feel didn't sit within the same sphere of the creative industry that I want to as a practitioner.

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