Sunday 14 May 2017

Lifes a Pitch 
Research and Rational

We met up as a group and discussed the rational of why we were working together and how best to present our work as well as looking into other collectives and how they function.

The Golden Leopard Clan

·      All work primarily with digital processes
·      Make strong use of shape and avoid line work
·      Working towards a similar market (primarily adult publishing/editorial/banding)
·      Strong focus on directed message and communication

Rational for work

Shape and the exploration of space. Focus on effective presentation and composition, drawn together by use of negative space, perspective and matt mercers favourite, colour.

Appropriate Audience and Market

Mature, highbrow - most of our member's work operates within advertising, bespoke print, publishing and editorial

Identify Suitable Location/Delivery System

Hyde park book club (free exhibition space, visible from the street, track record for similar exhibitions (edgy AF))
All hand printed, leeds local printing collectives (foot print) riso/screen-printed

Suitable Partners

LCA, advertise internally using free notice boards. Make use of college printing facilities and subsidised costs. Colours may vary, promotion and advertising, Village bookshop, Fred Aldous, Foot print collective

Structure Team

Matt Mercer – Management, Chris Cooper – promotion, Luigi – Communication, Joe Baker – Finance, Joe Warton – Experience/Contacts


Research Printing costs, Events license covers insurance for venue, look at pricing for items, Cost of refreshments

Appropriate Professional Support

Advice from colours may vary staff, east street arts/leeds print workshop info on printing consistently.

Devising Branding

Name/logo, basic website mock-up , Graphic burger for mock-up resources,


Group Instagram, posters, leaflets/flyers , group exhibition.

Useful in Future

Increase awareness of member’s work, build upon collaborative skills, meet new contacts, make some cash money, experience of putting on exhibitions, create lifelong friendships

Explain how work has benefitted your Practice

Learn from others (processes, ways of working) realise own strengths and shortcomings, exposed to new ideas,

Peep Show Collective – Multidisciplinary practice that makes use of a wide range of shared experiences. Similar areas of interest. Bridge the gap between illustration and animation

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