Sunday 14 May 2017

Thoughts on 505 

After the work I completed at the studio over Easter I think 505 became quite a eye opening module for me in that I really got to grips with audience and context. This was particularly with regards to creating work of a consistent tone that would best communicate the content and appeal to the target audience.

I really thought about how and where the work would be viewed and how i could best optimise my work to work in these formats. For example choosing a reductive colour pallet so as to work better on cheap newsprint/be more cost effective as well as making sure these colours were bold enough to be very appealing and have a high impact when viewed on screen.

Furthermore I really considered how technology would impact my work, ie viewed at large scale on a laptop, small scale on a phone and how I could use digital technology to further enhance my work in a way that wouldn't be possible in print through the use of moving image.

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