Sunday 14 May 2017

Will Bankhead

How did you go about building up an initial client base?

How much autonomy do you have in terms of creative direction being the in house designer for a record label? Does it vary from label to label?

How does working for big, commercial clients differ from working for smaller, independent ones?

Why did you decide to start your own label and how did you build exposure/recognition of it? (Will Bankhead Only)

What advice would you give to someone who's practice falls some where between graphic design and illustration? Should the two be kept separate?


I have only included a small set of 4-5 questions so as to increase the likely hood of a response. Furthermore I have purposefully chosen ones that are short enough not require loads of detail but wide reaching enough to warrant a longer, more detailed response should the interviewees choose to do so.

With regards to why these questions I mainly wanted ones that would increase my understanding of building up a client base and how working on commissions can vary depending on the type of clients. Finally I also wanted to know if they had any particular insights that could help me clarify where I sit with in the creative industry given my duel pursuits of both illustration and graphic design.

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