Sunday 14 May 2017

Combining Digital and Analogue Methods of Working

Although I love working by hand within a sketchbook, finding that through 504 the process of roughing has becoming essential to my development of ideas and refinement of images, most of my final out comes are produced digitally to some extent.

As outlined in previous posts I have wanted to and since begun experimenting with how I can combine digital and analogue processes to create the work hat I want. This usual entails outlining by hand in a rougher medium such as crayon or china marker and then filling the images in digitally on Photoshop. This creates strong graphic images that still retain the immediacy of the hand drawn. When combined with print textures as well as other analogue textures such as charcoal using vector mask to layer them over these shapes this further reinforces this effect.

                           Flat Image                                    Screen print textures overlaid

                                   Flat Image                             Mono print textures overlaid

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