Thursday 11 May 2017

S.W.O.T self analysis


content/ communication: I think through out first year researching and developing the content behind my practical work was a major strength and in general content is essential for a creative practice. Furthermore the ability to be able to effectively communicate this content is highly important and although I still need to refine this process was definitely another strength within first year.

adaptable: This is regards to both my creative practice and myself as a person. In terms of my practice I am a reasonably strong drafts man and, although I am not a master of any specific craft, I am reasonably adept at a range of different practical processes and techniques, both digital and analogue, This make my practice highly flexible something that I believe is extremely advantages when entering the professional world and trying to gain commissions.

On a personal level I have been independent from a young age and have a lot of general life skills that allow me to easily adept to new situations and paces something else that I think is a major strength within the world of creative industry due to the lack of security it brings coupled with the ever changing nature/platform through which the industry manifests itself so as to keep up with the latest political/social/economic and technological developments.


No clear Specialisation: Although my flexibility as a practitioner is definitely a strength, the fact that at this stage I have no specific visual signature and am interested in a variety of different applications for my work such as product, promotion and editorial I think will make it hard for potential commissioned to know what I'm about/find specific jobs for which I should be commissioned for.

Confidence: need to get my work out there more and be able to defend, pitch and promote it to others. At the moment my confidence (or lack of), is preventing me from doing this and if I don't over come this I won't be able to achieve success within the creative industry.

Time management: Although I consider myself hardworking I am admittedly awful at time management and juggling multiple responsibility/impending deadlines. This s something that I will need to improve given that ideally I would work at both a design studio as well as freelance as an illustrator. Therefore balancing working as part of a team/studio with personal deadlines would be essential and is thus something I need to improves.


Industry Connections: Although it isn't illustration having a strong connection to a design studio in Sheffield will in theory be able to help me gain more commissions in general as opposed to just completing work for them. This is because they have a wide client base as well as list of past practitioners from a wide range of disciplines that they have worked with in the past and therefore my work my fit in with some of these past clients/collaborators.


Other practitioners with a more focused output: Practitioners that a re focused on one specific area of my broader interest such as editorial will logically be much more adept and more viable for commission for this type of work.

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