Sunday 14 May 2017

Subversive Compliance/Beezledubs

I was really happy that as part of my responsive module I was able to get real commissions for work that was in the area of the creative industry that I had wanted to move my practice towards. This came in the form of record designs for what was originally going to be called Subversive Compliance but later morphed into Beezledubs: a series of limited run 12inch records.

Furthermore it was a nice merging of my interests in both graphic design due to the typographical requirements and illustration. In particular it was great to start collaging again, a process I had completely moved away from in 504 despite it being such a huge part of my practice in first year.

This was the first time I had actually worked with a client as opposed to a university brief. This was very different in a variety of ways:

-criticism/feedback is much more specific/focused ie I don't want this red, I want that sizing down etc

-the client will be a lot more honest, if they do or don't like something they will say

-it is THEIR brief, unlike working on your own projects they know what they want the work to come out like even if you have been given a lot of freedom to interpret
-format and context MUST be carefully considered

-deadlines are very tight and must be kept due to third parties, such as printers, record plants etc which are involved

-projects can change or fall through at any point ie changing from Subversive Compliance to Beezledubs which required a different set of out comes.

On the plus side I found this very rewrding due to the fact that it gave me direct experience in client interaction and working to a clients brief. Plus it was nice to see my design for sale on a variety of different websites/record stores, many of whihc I shop at!

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