Sunday 14 May 2017

Pitcha Pitcha

Reason for Choosing Specific Pieces of Work:

-demonstrate the eclectic nature of my practice

-focus on the types of image making such as print and collage that I am most interested in

-show the flexibility of my practice my displaying both illustrative and design skills

Reasons for Chosen Practitioners:

-Dominic Kesterton: shows my interest in bold, graphic and shaped based imagery with a strong sense of compositional balance being a fundamental aspect of my practice

-Will Bankhead: shows my interest in design and art direction as well as giving a more specific idea of where I want my practice to sit within the creative industry

-Eleni Kalorkoti: Shows my interest in adding texture and warmth into my work so as to create a certain atmosphere in my work, particularly with regards to 504 much of which was very melancholic. Furthermore much like Bankhead it gives an idea of my more specific interests within the creative industries, in this case editorial illustration

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