Sunday 14 May 2017

Life's A Pitch

Although I think we could have prepared better I think the group pitch went reasonably well given that most of us I feel within the group are quite strong public speakers.

My role

I was tasked with researching the venue and type of exhibition we would be running. We chose Hyde Park Book Club as a venue in which to display a print exhibition. This is because we felt in terms of audience it was the most appropriate due to being an alternative bar known for putting on similar events and that it also appeals to are target age. Furthermore in terms of potential success it is right by the main road and located in the centre of hyde park so therefore would have a lot of foot traffic.

Main points form the Q and A after the Presentation

The main aspect of the pitch not covered in the presentation board was the desire for our proposed collective to work more as an agency like, for example, Handsome Frank. This is because although their are strong similarities between are work such as a focus on shape, texture, print the merging of analogue and digital skills given where our individual practices sit, mainly advertising, editorial and publication, we would be unlikely to work on a collaborative projects as would be the case with people who's work is more crafts based.

Therefore we proposed to create a collective so as to build a wider social network/client base that we could each reinforce/add too by increasing our exposure through a shared brand.

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