Sunday 14 May 2017

How do I want my work to look?
What do I want it to communicate?

Mood and Atmosphere

As a task in 505 I had to analyse 5 inspirational illustrators with reference to my chosen subject area, editorial. However I think that the practitioners I chose, coupled with those that I tried to contact as part of my project report show where my practice is at more generally outside of 505.

Out of those listed below, Kalorkoti, McKaught and Bragg all create a strong sense of atmosphere through the use of lighting, colour and texture. Further more the way this is used coupled with the content that they are communicating often results in quite sombre and melancholy imagery something which has become integral to my practice in all of my practical modules this year and is something I am keen to further develop.

Visual Metaphors

Furthermore practitioners such as Falovari, Galo and Kalokoti regularly use visual metaphors to communicate complex ideas in a concise way which is often require from the given context (ie editorial). This is something I have also begun to focus on within my practice.

Eleni Kalorkoti

Jon McNaught

Bill Bragg

Tiaggo Galo

David Faldavari

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