Monday 21 May 2018

Summer Action Plan

Over the summer I plan on further expanding my contacts list into specific areas of the industry I am interested in and feel are relevant to my practice

Experimental Print

After my exhibition at Constellations I am keen to try and get more gallery connections, specifically in relation to experimental print. This is due to the fact that they allow for great exposure and can increase interest in your practice through the production on non-client orientated personal projects.

At the moment I am planning on contacting both Yuck Print House And B and B gallery Sheffield, both of which I think aesthetically are in line with my practice. Furthermore the former is based in Manchester where I am moving to later in the year and the latter has a personal connection to Peter and Paul in Sheffield


Currently I am talking to both the music related clothes company Black Acid and Sheffield based electronic music venue The Night Kitchen about potential collaborations over the summer. Both have good followings within the electronic music scene and seem like good platforms through which to produce and promote my work.

I am also playing at Gottwood music festival and therefore will be able to network with a lot of different UK based music promoters, labels as well as well as internationally renowned artists.


Given that much of my work is narrative based I want to build a connection with platforms that promote this kind of work. In particular I plan on sending work to Hato Press given that much of the work they produce is non-linear, experimental narrative imagery which I feel is a good fit for my work.

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