Monday 21 May 2018

Hanbury Hall


The main point that I took away from Hanbury was the need for clarity and consistency within your portfolio. Although agents, such as Greg from Big active, highlighted that you needed to be versatile in terms of the context of your practice, particularly stressing that an ability to animate as well as illustrate is a highly sought after skill due to most work is now screen based; they also reiterated time and time again that the content of your practice needed to be clear and consistent to art directors.

This point seemed particularly pertinent to my practice given that I’ve frequently struggled to define the specific direction of it due to my interest in various areas of the creative industry as well as modes of image creation.

With this in mind I realise that as the year goes on I will need to:

-focus and produce my work towards the specific areas of the creative industry I am interested in
-refine my visual language into something more cohesive that combines the various different modes of image making, such as cinematic drawings, collage, digital and printmaking, that I currently use within my practice

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