Monday 21 May 2018

Peter and Paul - Freelancing

I have been undertaking work experience at the Sheffield based Peter and Paul design agency since high school but this has progressed into freelance work since starting university. Furthermore the rate at which I have been given work has increased dramatically since starting third year.

Therefore I thought it would be important to reflect upon this in relation to my personal practice.

Diversity of Work

In contrast to the need for consistency that was highlighted as being essential to an illustrators portfolio at the Hanbury symposium, the body of work desired by a design agency needs to be very diverse.

This is because much of the work is about communicating and visually translating a clients brand. Therefore you need to be able to respond in a flexible manner to a variety of different clients needs, drawing from a diverse visual arsenal to achieve the visuals they desire.

This is very different to illustration in which it is all about communicating a specific message/idea through your own personal lens whereby a strong and identifiable visual language/signature is of the upmost importance to potential clients.

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