Sunday 15 May 2016

The Illustrated Self: Visual development

Initially the first thing I needed to do for this brief was choose what it was that I would have as the main element for this image. Although it seems obvious I want to have a human profile as the main feature so therefore decided to initial start sketching out and trying to reduce down the elements of the face to the most basic form.

I was careful to include certain aspects of the face, such as the eyes, so that it would still be recognisable yet make sure the decision not to include certain bits added to the over all message of the image. Therefore I decided not to include the mouth as I thought it would help communicate my introverted nature, a quite abstract concept that is quite difficult to subtly and effectively communicate visually. 

I then drew out some more final versions with the face being cut in two/deconstruction so as to reveal various different elements inside. At this stage I am not one hundred percent sure what I want these elements to be although I realise from the previous posts that music, experimentation and content/research, alongside the reductive approach to image making I am currently exploring, are probably the most most important aspects of my practice.

Therefore I decided to do some roughs including various different motifs such as gramophones and books so as to try communicate these aspects of myself.

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