Sunday 15 May 2016

Poster Study task and evaluation

As a creative:

I think the stand out aspect of my practice is my willingness to expect and explore to media, processes and ways of thinking within my work. What this often leads to is wide range of different processes and ideas being explored within my sketchbook with, in my own opinion, final pieces that aren't quite as refined or as high quality as I would like them to be. Therefore I thought it would be good to make my poster in response to these two conflicting points as they are both the best and at the same time worst flaws of my creative process and practice.
With this in mind I decided to play into the age old saying of jack of all trades master of none as I feel it best summerises myself as a creative. To illustrate this Idea I decided to depict a rather simplistic/reductive human figure holding a variety of different tools.

As a person:

Given the content of my first poster, i decided I would create all three posters with a theme of self deprecating humour. Therefore for personal I decided to depict what is one of my worst flaws and at times most overwhelming trait as a human being: anxiety. I have long been at terms with this part of my personality and am more than happy to joke around about it despite the seriousness of the subject matter. Furthermore I have come to accept that, although it causes me a lot of pain at times and is highly taxing on me both physically and mentally it is at the centre of who I am, how I think and how I view the world. Particularly I think the constant process of analysis that goes through my head in relation to almost everything I think, hear, see or do is fundamental to how I work creatively.

My aspirations:

Finally when thinking about over all aspirations, the first thing that came to my mind, along with many others studying creative courses, was the desire for success within the creative feel given just how hard it is to make a living from it, let alone gain any fame/notoriety. With this in mind what actually constitutes success within the creative field is something that is rather hard to define and effectively achieve.

Therefore I decided to depict a character holding a sign saying will draw for food, implying homelessness/desperation to use his talents/skills for food implying that although my aspiration is 'to make a living from my creative practice' what exactly this will entail or whether or not it can be considered as a success is something much harder to determine.


After the feedback session the main points were as follows:

-All three work very effectively as a set. This is due the use of consistent elements such as the same simplistic character, same bold, black font against wait along with the stripy background.

-Furthermore despite using the same elements all three depict the figure from different perspectives: full body, mid range shot and close up that makes each poster look clearly distinguishable from the other whilst still working effectively as a set.

-Nice use of humour that eludes to the deeper meanings behind each poster although in the stresses over everything poster the motif of steam running out of the characters ears could have been clearer, looks too much like liquid.

-There is a nice sense of balance in all three given how each comprises of three main tones, black character and text, white highlight against text and then stripy back ground that serves as a mid tone.

-Jack of all trades is the worst visually and conceptually, Despite clearly communicating my intent it was perhaps a bit too obvious and ham fisted. Furthermore visually it feel less dynamic and empty than the other two.

-The best, both aesthetically and conceptually was the last poster. This is because it effectively and humorously plays into what is simultaneously a hope and fear of all people still within education have: whether or not we will be able to succeed and make a living from our chosen field.

Aesthetically the composition was given as the reason for being the strongest. It had the best sense of balance and contrast given how the central figure fitted nicely within the page and an effective contrast between him and the text was achieved through the use of a much larger white space than was used in the other two posters.

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