Sunday 15 May 2016

The illustrated self: initial thoughts and planning

Despite being described as a 'fun' brief i think this is an incredibly challenging brief. This is due to the fact that as both people and creative practitioners, there are many different aspects that make up who we are. Therefore trying to make a single image that communicates effectively who we are and what we do is going to very difficult.

With this in mind I thought the best place to start out would be listing words that describe me and my interests as a person, creative and student and put them into a mind map to see what links there were.

As expected the full version of my mind map contained fair too many elements to effectively transferred into one image, therefore I decided to focus on what I felt were the most important aspects given the number of connections each word had as well as how pertinent I feel the particulalry word is to myself as a person and practitioner.
Once this was done I decided to do another more condensed map showing just these words and the connections between them.

The most important aspects of my practice therefore were having an open mind and experimentation, both in terms of process and my approach to communicating intended ideas within my work.
Other key aspects I felt were also my focus on content driven work the backbone of which being the various forms of research I have undertaken over the year.

On a more personal level I felt both my love of music and introverted nature are the two fundamental aspects of who I amwhen you try to condense everything down to the bare minimum.

Given all that I have discussed within this blog, the work that I have undergone in studio practice and the explorations made in the above mind maps I have decided that whatever way I choose to answer this brief it needs to be done in a reductive manner so as to best reflect my practice. This sentiment is something that was also shared by the tutors in the initial group crit/feedback session on our ideas.

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