Sunday 15 May 2016

The illustrated self: Ekta and Icinori


photoFigure Series, 2011 – Ekta

When thinking of how to solve this brief in the reductive manner intended the work of Ekta immediately sprang to mind. This is because his reductive approach to form as well as use of texture's is something I feel I can employ within my own response to communicate my practices focus on shape, texture and reductive approaches to image making and visual communication.

Furthermore I feel I can be quite ambiguous using a similar, abstract approach which in turn could be used to communicate other aspects of my self such as my open mind, love of music and introverted nature. However I realise this could become too confused and therefore certain motifs may need to be included to better communicate my intent.


jacco gardner_FBELCAF8 rough_psd43

The illustration due Icinori's work often comprises of one main element, for example int he above images a figure, that has been constructed with lots of other smaller elements interacting with and being contained within it. This results in very complex images on the whole that are in fact comprised of many smaller simple elements. I feel a similar approach of deconstruction of a central image alongside smaller motifs/elements could be combined with the approach discussed above in regards to Ekta in order to make a response that effectively communicates the key aspects of myself in a way that is reductive without discarding too much of the needed visual information.

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