Monday 28 September 2015

Who am I? Why am I here? 

Geoff Mcfetridge

-Geoff Mcfetridge has been one of my favourite professionals operating within the world of illustration and design for several years now.
-For me the main draw to his work is his ability to communicate so much so clearly in a way which is both simple in design and immediate to the viewer.
-This is usually achieved through his minimalist approach to image making choosing to break figures and objects down into a series of basic shapes. However I feel it is his mix of subtle humour alongside masterful use of composition that truly set his work apart from others.
-These are aesthetics and approach image making have subsequently transferred to my own work. I feel this is indicative of my background in graphic design (having carried out work experience placements within a design studio in Sheffield during my Summer holidays) which has resulted in a tendency to seek out work that falls some where between illustration and graphic design.
-However I have decided, after having Geoff Mcfetridge recommended to me during the opening 'Mega Crit', that I need to in future expose myself to individuals/professionals operating at the other end of the wide reaching spectrum of illustration. This is so as to try and gain a more individual tone of voice as the fact that I was recommended Mcfetridge's by strangers who have no knowledge of my background or preferences would suggest that there is perhaps too much of his work in my own.

Images re-blogged from:

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